001. Establishing Family Values by Living Organically

Organic is the cornerstone of our life.

Never thought one word could change the direction of our lives – but that is exactly what Organic did for us. What started out as a label on food + cleaning products has turned into the mantra in which we lead our family + business. 

In this episode, we share with you why the word Organic matters + how we use it as a guide for our core values. 

You will hear: 

  • The Two Definitions of Organic used for decision making
  • Impacts of Organic Living on our physical health
  • Expanding Organic Living to our everyday decisions
  • Organic Relationships

Want more of the podcast?

Listen to how we knew we were ready to start a family. In this episode we walk through how we used this idea of “organic decision making” in our journey to starting a family.

Want to continue the conversation?

Join us + other like-minded parent entrepreneurs in our FREE private online community at OrganicFamilyCEO.com/community.

We share family + business resources inside, including opportunities to win some coaching time + treats from us. We’d love to support you in your family + business growth!

Interested in learning more from us?

We help parent entrepreneurs grow their families + their businesses in the healthiest ways possible for both. View our expanding online education + 1:1 consulting services here.

Question of the Day

What is your definition of organic living? Why does living an organic life matter to you?

Let us know in the comments below!

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