family + business operations for parent entrepreneurs


We're Kevin + Courtney Gilroy: married best friends turned parent entrepreneurs. is the resource hub + like-minded community we were missing in our first days of new parenthood + business ownership.

Becoming a profitable stay-at-home family changed our life. Now, we help other current + soon-to-be parents have a healthy start to parenthood + entrepreneurship.

Learn more about our systems for running the business of family alongside the family business here or ask us questions here.




010. “Just” A Mom

In this episode, Courtney talks about the importance of talking with confidence about who you are!

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Reading Time: 1 minute

Have you ever heard someone say “I am JUST a mom” or “I am JUST a Dad“? That “just” seems pretty harmless, but the word actually minimizes whatever follows.

How we introduce + carry ourselves as parent entrepreneurs matters. We are teaching people how to treat us by how we treat + talk about ourselves.

In this episode, Courtney talks about the importance of talking with confidence about who you are + how that shows up in our family-centered entrepreneurship experience.

Want more of the podcast?

If you’re looking for more empowered decision-making ideas as a parent entrepreneur, consider listening to episode 9 where we talk about our considerations in making the decision to breastfeed exclusively, including the factors that helped breastfeeding fit seamlessly into our family life.

Want to continue the conversation?

We’d love to know: do you find yourself using the word “just” often?

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Interested in learning more from us?

We help parent entrepreneurs grow their families + their businesses in the healthiest ways possible for both. View our expanding online education — Passive Income Parenthood™ — + 1:1 consulting services.