Do you ever find yourself mulling over labels in the store for what feels like way too long, but you just can’t seem to make a decision?
We all do it. We’ve all done it.
But making smart decisions quickly is imperative in being the boss of your life. Doing so means not wasting any time on things that don’t move the ball forward.
Today, let’s look into the most critical to-do of any true CEO of your home or your business — making smart decisions quickly.
Quickly making smart decisions means not wasting any extra time on items that don’t move the bottom line forward.
Now, those labels aren’t always the same, right?
You could be deciding between ingredients on the nutrition label + sorting out what could be an allergy trigger (which is an actual life or death viability decision). You do need to take time to read those labels.
Maybe you’re deciding between price labels. Yes, budgets can also be a make-or-break situation in business or at home, but are you letting a $10 decision eat up what’s really worth $100 an hour of your time?
These are the smart questions that smart CEOs ask themselves.
Quick Decision Making Process
We just had a meeting for our home renovation + the contractor had blocked off a chunk of hours for us to make a bunch of decisions: pick out the roof, siding, all of the doors + windows, interior paint, flooring, etc. That meeting only took 10 minutes.
My contractor’s jaw was on the floor. The decision making process was so fast he looked like he just witnessed a drive-by shooting. (And in some ways, he did! We’ll never forget the look on his face.)
But here’s why that meeting only took 10 minutes: those decisions were not make-or-break to the viability of our family or our business. We made quick decisions knowing that we had a decent idea of what we wanted thanks to Pinterest + trusting Courtney’s gut.
When our contractor put the samples in front of us, we quick-fired answers. That swift process was fun, not to mention really freeing for people who a few years ago would marinate in all of the possible options until we passed out from exhaustion or decision fatigue + then do all that over again the next day.
Here’s what we know today that we weren’t allowing ourselves to understand a few years ago: that absolutely every element of that home renovation (or any element of business) could be edited if that turned out to be a complete disaster of a decision in hindsight. Deciding to go with another option down the road is not the end of the world.
Choosing Our Battles
We also know what NOT to decide on altogether.
For example, Courtney knows that she’s not going to fly off-the-cuff in picking out the more detailed tile designs she wants in the house (like the backsplash for example). Those intricate details are out of Courtney’s wheelhouse. We already know that we need to trust someone with more design experience to narrow our options down for us (or choose for us altogether) + help us spend the minimum amount of time on the tile decision.
But in making decisions on the foundation of our home or business for establishing health, safety, etc., we always know what our requirements + standards are. We don’t need to second-guess ourselves or sit in indecision. We can get trusted support, or trust our gut + move along.
We’re sharing that because we want you to truly allow yourself to have space — breathing room — in your life. We get this precious time with our personal + professional families + that time is a gift that we get to choose to enjoy over + over again.
Where are you limiting yourself from enjoying that gift? Could it be in laboring over decisions that don’t have to be so hard?
You are worthy of enjoying yourself. You are allowed to take a chance.
Let someone else decide what tile would look great on your backsplash! You are allowed to get such details “wrong” sometimes (+ P.S. there’s no real definition of “right” anyways!).
You are SO capable just as you are. You’re reading until the end of this post because you’re an informed, empowered human being who is caring enough to get a little bit better in entrepreneurship + parenthood everyday. GO YOU!
“Trust your decision-making abilities. You have what it takes to make great decisions because you’ve already been making them.”
You taking the time to read this post tells us that.
Ask for help for what you can see is too intricate for you to figure out on your own. Lean into the FUN of doing some drive-by quickfire decision-making on the rest. And let that be the gold star with which you grade your parent CEO life.
So now, we’d love to know: what’s one quick decision you’re going to make today?
Share the details of your entrepreneurship journey with us + like-minded parent CEOs in the comments below!
And if you know you need help making smart + quick decisions for your family or business, but aren’t sure where to start, then click here to apply to work with us.
We’ll point you in the next best direction for your family-centered entrepreneurship — whether that’s by an existing free resource we have available behind-the-scenes, a masterclass or template we have in our shop, a 1:1 service from our boutique agency or by referring you to a better fit friend of ours in the industry. We’re here for you!